Sunday, April 20, 2008

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise Aides Dismiss Separation Reports

Aides close to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have dismissed reports that the couple is planning a trial separation as "absolutely false."

An article in the new issue of In Touch magazine declares that Holmes plans to move to New York City from Los Angeles with the couple's daughter Suri.

The exclusive story, which graces the cover of the publication, leads with the headline 'Katie wants her life back.'

As the three-year anniversary of her first date with movie star Cruise looms on April 29, sources claim the actress is tired of dressing up as Mrs. Cruise and playing the perfect wife in public.

One insider tells In Touch, "Of course Katie still loves him, but she does often feel like the little wife that has to sit there quietly and smile serenely at everything he says."

But her representative insists all talk of a broken marriage and an unhappy Holmes is ridiculous. A spokeswoman says, "She and her husband enjoy a close and loving relationship."

According to the In Touch article, Holmes plans to move to Manhattan with her daughter to pursue her Broadway acting ambitions.

A source says, "She'd love to go to Broadway to show the world she can act."

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