Tuesday, April 22, 2008

David Beckham children's American accent dominating British accent

There is always a risk while you change to a new country, either you will lack to follow their culture or you will fully change into their culture. Popular football star David Beckham facing this type of challenge with his kids and he is not happy with that.

Beckham's children currently changing from their British accent to American accent. The star is happy only if they change to british. In an interview he expressed his feelings for his country's lang.Beckham is currently in Los Angeles playing for LA galaxy team. he said that " They sound as if they are from London - and that is how i want them to sound - but they are getting little parts of American accent. Romeo keeps saying 'Awesome' a lot, 'Awesome, awesome'."

Is there is anyon who feels that their kids changing the country's accent to american

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